
The Oscara project is an IOCG (iron oxide copper gold) deposit. The 100% owned prospect comprises six mining claims covering approximately 19,000 ha. The property is located in the Puna region of Salta Province in northwestern Argentina, a mining-friendly jurisdiction (Figure 1). The property is located 40 km north of the town of Tolar Grande. The area is accessible all year round by a good gravel road (Figure 2). 

*Please contact ben.cherrington@aldebaranresources.com if you would like more information about this project.

Geology and Mineralization

Manifestations of Cu-(Au)-Fe mineralization is widespread over the entire property. These manifestations are hosted in rocks from Early to Late Paleozoic and also in poorly consolidated tertiary sediments and probably correspond to multiple superimposed stages of completely different styles of mineralization.

The area of the project displays a complex geology on a trans-tensional tectonic setting consisting of early-Paleozoic bimodal magmatism, followed by a late-Paleozoic volcanic-sedimentary sequence and intruded by granite dykes likely of Cretaceous age. Cu-Au occurrences with elevated Fe-(Mo-Ba-Bi-Co) anomalies are found widespread over the entire property. These manifestations are hosted in rocks from Early to Late Paleozoic and are associated to broad zones with well-developed albite, k-feldspar, hematite and chlorite-magnetite-epidote alteration. Multiple and widespread structures of copper mineralization are commonly found crosscutting and cementing poorly consolidated Tertiary sediments. Old abandoned galleries and pits found along these structures indicate that these were exploited in small scale in the past by artisanal miners.

Exploration History

1999-2007: Several prospecting and explorative campaigns have been carried out over the Oscara area since 1999, mostly by Mansfield and later by Regulus. During this period, a regional geological map was generated by Mansfield geologists in addition to detailed mapping over specific areas. A total of 1,010 rock and float samples were taken which highlighted a “horseshoe-shaped” geochemical anomaly around the Cerro Oscara hill. These anomalies are predominantly of Cu and Fe with minor Au, Ag, Mo and Bi.

2008: The Oscara property was transferred to Pachamama Resources Inc. as part of a restructuring of Mansfield.

2012: This property was transferred to Regulus when it merged with Pachamama.

2013-2018: Several field campaigns were conducted by Regulus geologists and 52 samples were collected for geochemical analysis. These samples results confirmed the anomalies previously defined by Mansfield prospectors and geologists

2018: The Oscara project, together with Rio Grande, Aguas Calientes and other early stage Argentina projects, was spun out into Aldebaran.

2019-Present: No work is currently planned for this project in the Aldebaran portfolio; however, the Company is evaluating and planning how to move the project forward. In parallel, the Company has been engaged with third parties to discuss potential for joint venture or other partnerships to advance the project.