Access and Infrastructure

Access to the project from Salta, which is the principal economic center of the region, is by paved roads for 100 km and by all-weather dirt roads for 350 km along National Highway 51 and Provincial Highway 27, which extend from Salta to the Chilean border. Total travel time is approximately 8 hours. The access route is from Salta to San Antonio de Los Cobres on National Highway 51 (140 km), continuing to the small town of Tolar Grande on Provincial Highway 27 (210 km) and then traveling along an undesignated route to Regulus’ Rio Grande camp at Mina Arita (80 km).

The Rio Grande property occurs in the Altiplano of NW Argentina at elevations between 3,700 m and 4,700 m. Base levels of the salars in the area are approximately 3,700 m, with surrounding volcanic peaks to over 6,000 m. The nearest town with services is Tolar Grande located on Provincial Highway 27, 1.5 hours by road northeast of the Regulus Rio Grande camp.

The project has the following nearby infrastructure:

  • A narrow-gauge railway extending to Antofagasta on the Chilean coast is located 100 km to the north.
  • A high-tension power line extending between Salta and Chuquicamata Mine in Chile is located 120 km to the north.
  • The Jujuy Hombre Muerto gas pipeline is located 100 km to the east.